A wedding on the Seychelles is considered a very special event with additional special items of note for visitors who want to get married. The formalities are minimal, the ceremonies are free, and the marriage ceremony is recognised in many countries. Should it be desired, we can offer you a complete service including arrangements with the authorities, the ceremony and the celebrations afterwards. Alternatively many hotels organise tailor-made weddings. Simple registry office weddings can be organised (Civil Status Office, P.O.Box 206, Victoria) directly with the Registrar (fax 22 54 74). They need prior information about the period of the planned stay, and photocopies of the birth certificates as well as proof of marital status (English or French language). The original documents must be submitted on the actual wedding day. After the wedding, one must go to the Registry of the Supreme Court at Apostille so that they can confirm the marriage ceremony at the appropriate consulate.