The Seychelles are home to
In terms of surface area the Seychelles have the largest share of protected areas in the whole world. On the Seychelles there is a rich endemic flora and fauna, including three kinds of giant tortoise. On the Aldabra atoll one finds the world's largest colony of giant tortoises, with 150.000 Aldabra turtles. Up until 40 years ago the primeval-looking palm forests of the remote high region of the Seychelles island of Praslin were still completely unaffected by modern man.
Today people come from all over the world in order to admire the rare Seychelles palms. Their speciality is the "Coco de Mer", with the largest and heaviest seeds in the world - up to 20 kg in weight. Today one finds the fan palms, which are up to 800 years old, only found on Praslin and the small neighbouring island of Curieuse. There are roughly 400 in existence. The native bird population of the Seychelles is the richest in the entire western ocean. The last surviving flightless bird left in the Indian Ocean, the White-throated Rail, is resident on the Seychelles. The Vallée de Mai on Praslin is the home of the Wasa parrot.
The Seychelles have a comprehensive concept for environmental protection. This small state wants to be seen as a model for ecological tourism, attaching greater importance to a lasting healthy environment than short-term profit from tourism. The natural landscape is the wealth of a country with few raw materials and the Seychelles Republic sees itself not as owner, but as guardian of this treasure.
Holidays in this unique environment, which is characterised by natural geological miracles and diverse flora and fauna, are unforgettable and a unique experience for many. In the past two decades the Seychelles have put millions of euros into the development of a sustainable and environmentally viable tourism and leisure industry while simultaneously investing in the preservation of rare animal and plant species.